Showing posts with label MVC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MVC. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

C# - How to merge paths with slashes in all subsequent params

To combine file paths with slashes will take care by below code

public static string MergePath(params string[] stringPaths)

            for (int i = 0; i < stringPaths.Length; i++)
                //To skip trim on first path
                if (i != 0)
                    stringPaths[i] = stringPaths[i].Trim().TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            return Path.Combine(stringPaths);


var stringtest = Extensions.MergePath(@"c:\path\", @"\dir\file.txt");
var stringtest2 = Extensions.MergePath(@"c:\path\",@"\test\adsf\", @"\dir\file.txt");
var stringtest3 = Extensions.MergePath(@"c:\path", @"test\adsf", @"dir\file.txt");


Thursday, March 31, 2016

MVC - Domain Route for Multi tenancy application to handle different URL

In some cases, we should handle Multi-tenant application with single code base and different domain URLs.

So how do we handle that in MVC Routing?

We have got "Constraints" concept in MVC routing, this is very helpful to filter URL based on domain also.

Okay, let us consider we have different URLs for same code base  for ex:, So here we have to handle two different domain URLs considering URLs already configured for same application.

    name: "CompanyARoute",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Index", action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
    constraints: new { host = "" });

    name: "CompanyBRoute",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Index", action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional },

    constraints: new { host = "" });

This code will handle two different domains, "host" in constraints is default syntax and will map to domain automatically. here we can change default Controller, Action to anything or even we can pass some parameters. 

Suppose, if we want to add some subdomain as companyname. For ex;

We can use same "Constraints" to handle this

    name: "SubRoute",
    url: "{companyName}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Index", action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
    constraints: new { companyName = "CompanyA" });

To handle multiple company names we can create more routing same like this or even in companyName we can add more like "(CompanyA|CompanyB)". "companyName" in constraints mapped to {companyName} in url.

We can utilize IRouteConstraint interface to extend each constraints attributes.

  name: "ConstraintRoute,
  url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
  defaults: new { controller = "Index", action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
  constraints: new { host = new HostRouteConstraint("") });

"HostRouteConstraint" is a class extended from IRouteConstraint

using System.Web.Routing;
public class HostRouteConstraint : IRouteConstraint
        private readonly string _host;

        public DomainConstraint(string host)
            _host = host.ToLower();

        public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext,
            System.Web.Routing.Route route,
            string parameterName,
            RouteValueDictionary values,
            RouteDirection routeDirection)
//Here you can do your custom logic to match host
            return httpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains(_host);

Friday, May 15, 2015

MVC - Cache dynamic files in browser based on query string from action results

To cache we can do many things such as StaticCache in webconfig, HTML5 manifest cache and also we can use OutputCache in MVC.

To enable cache for dynamically changing contents. For ex, to load images based on file name and to cache use following attribute in controller or action.

        [OutputCache(Duration = 600, VaryByParam = "imageFileName")]
        public FileResult GetSomeImageFile(string imageFileName)
//your logic to load image file


Here Duration mentioned in seconds and VaryByParam property to specify to cache based on parameter name 'imageFileName'

Saturday, April 25, 2015

MVC & WebAPI - Model Binder

There are some specific cases in order to use model binder to MVC and WebAPI in same project.

Here i will explain step by step to implement MVC and WebAPI Model Binders

What is Model Binder?

In some cases, we should do common operations for all actions inside controller. So in that case we can add model binder and pass as parameter to actions. In below example UserModel class sent as Model Binder

public ActionResult Index([ModelBinder]UserModel model)


Implementing Model Binder for MVC

MVC uses different namespace such as System.Web.Mvc. So Model Binder class also should use the same.

Step 1:

Create UserModel class as required. Here we can add our required properties. In this example, i am going to display UserId and UserName

public class UserModel
        public string UserId { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }


Step 2:

Create custom ModelBinder class which can be implemented from System.Web.Mvc.IModelBinder as below. Here i created as partial for merging with WebAPI. If you dont need WebAPI then just have it as normal class

public partial class UserModelBinder : System.Web.Mvc.IModelBinder
        public object BindModel(System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Web.Mvc.ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            if (bindingContext.ModelType != typeof(UserModel))
                return null;

            UserModel userModel = new UserModel();

            var userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
/// Create your custom logics to fill the other required details. In this example i can fill username
            return userModel;

Step 3:

Register this Custom ModelBinder class into Global.asax.cs file

protected void Application_Start()


            //Model binder for MVC controller usermodel
            ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(UserModel), new UserModelBinder());


Step 4:

Use this custom model binder in action methods of MVC controller

public ActionResult Index([System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.ModelBinder]UserModel model)

 //Write your logic to do with UserModel class object

Thats all for MVC Model Binder.

Implementing Model Binder for WebAPI

WebAPI cannot be worked with MVC model binder. So we need to create differently. Step 1 to create UserModel is same. So i will go from Step 2

Step 2:

Create Custom Model Binder for WebAPI as follows. Here IModelBinder uses System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.

using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;

public partial class UserModelBinder : IModelBinder
        public bool BindModel(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            if (bindingContext.ModelType != typeof(UserModel))
                return false;

            UserModel userModel = new UserModel();

            var userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
               //Your logic to fill usermodel class and assign to binding context’s model
                bindingContext.Model = userModel;
                return true;

            bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(bindingContext.ModelName, "Error in model binding");
            return false;


Step 3:

Create ModelBinderProvider class as follows. It is going to be register with configuration. Here ModelBinderProvider uses namespace System.Web.Http.ModelBinding..

public class UserModelBinderProvider : ModelBinderProvider
        private System.Type type;
        private UserModelBinder userModelBinder;

        public UserModelBinderProvider(System.Type type, UserModelBinder userModelBinder)
            this.type = type;
            this.userModelBinder = userModelBinder;

        public override IModelBinder GetBinder(HttpConfiguration configuration, System.Type modelType)
            if (modelType == type)
                return userModelBinder;

            return null;


Step 4:

Register ModelBinderProvider in Global.asax.cs file under WebApiConfig register method

public static class WebApiConfig

    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
         var provider = new UserModelBinderProvider(typeof(UserModel), new UserModelBinder());

         config.Services.Insert(typeof(ModelBinderProvider), 0, provider);

Step 5:

Use in APIController action methods as follows

        public string GetUserName([ModelBinder]UserModel model)
              return model.UserName;

Thats all for WebAPI Model Binder.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MVC - HTML5 Appcache for offline MVC Razor application

I would like to create application which support offline mode using HTML5 appcache. Before get into MVC offline mode, just read about HTML5 application cache 

Steps to create MVC HTML5 Offline application

1) Create new MVC Web project

2) For example purpose, i am using views created by default with MVC project. I am adding new action for Manifest file

2) On created Manifest.cshtml add code as required to do cache in browser

 - Here i removed layout 
 - Also set the content type as 'text/cache-manifest', so that browser will understand this file
 - CACHE MANIFEST is required syntax for manifest file
 - #version added with assembly file name and date. This will help to update cache automatically whenever new build happens
 - NETWORK is *
 - Under CACHE we can do whatever required. Here JS files, CSS files, Images, CSHTML pages, Other site resources added
 - FALLBACK added to logoff, if there is no connection for logoff then it will return error page instead
- Code
    Layout = null;

    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/cache-manifest";

    #version @System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version - @File.GetCreationTime(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ToString("MM/DD/YYYY")


    # JS files

    # CSS files



    #Other Site Resources

    @Url.Content("~/Account/LogOff") @Url.Content("~/Errors/Default.html")

3) Include this manifest file path in _Layout.cshtml page html tag section

4) If you run application we will get error then we should know what is that

5) So we can add appcache.js file under script folder add following code to verify error 

- Code

var appCache = window.applicationCache;

appCache.addEventListener('cached', function (event) {
    console.log('All files downloaded!');
}, false);

// Checking for an update. Always the first event fired in the sequence.
appCache.addEventListener('checking', function (event) {
    console.log('Checking for manifest!');
}, false);

// An update was found. The browser is fetching resources.
appCache.addEventListener('downloading', function (event) {
    console.log('Downloading cache!');
}, false);

// The manifest returns 404 or 410, the download failed,
// or the manifest changed while the download was in progress.
appCache.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
    console.log('An error occurred!');
}, false);

// Fired after the first download of the manifest.
appCache.addEventListener('noupdate', function (event) {
    console.log('No cache updates!');
}, false);

// Fired if the manifest file returns a 404 or 410.
// This results in the application cache being deleted.
appCache.addEventListener('obsolete', function (event) {
    console.log('Manifest cannot be found!');
}, false);

// Fired for each resource listed in the manifest as it is being fetched.
appCache.addEventListener('progress', function (e) {
    console.log('File downloaded!');
}, false);

// Fired when the manifest resources have been newly redownloaded.
appCache.addEventListener('updateready', function (e) {
    console.log('New cache available!');
}, false);

6) Include appcache.js in _layout.cshtml

7) If we run application and check in console of browser, we can see logs of this appcache and thats it.